shooting cheetahs

I didn’t want the usual wildlife photo “long lens look” to the photographs, so I shot everything with a more intimate short lens. This meant being very close to the cheetahs. While this wasn’t a problem with the tame ones, it was a totally different story with the wild cheetahs. The low growl from the wild cheetahs firmly let you know when they thought you were close enough, and quite a few sauntered over, head down, growling. When I glanced over, concerned to our guide from the sanctuary, he quietly assured me we were quite safe as he “had a broom” – a simple yard brush with which he could protect us.
Quite a lot of interest was shown in our photographic activities by a pack of wild dogs one afternoon too, although they soon got bored and wandered back to their dinner.
The cheetah cubs were great fun to work with. If I lay on the floor to photograph one at eye level, ten or so of its brothers and sisters would instantly jump on me climbing all over thinking it was a brilliant game.